
Safe Schools NO MORE

Has the National Safe Schools Framework been sabotaged?

Schools are places of learning for students and also the workplace of teachers. Parents place their trust in schools, expecting a duty of care will be provided and their children educated to the highest possible standard.

In 2003 the Howard Government introduced the National Safe Schools Framework (NSSF). The aim was to provide an agreed national approach to help all schools and their communities address issues of bullying, harassment, violence and child abuse and neglect.

In 2010 the Gillard Government amended the NSSF. The same year, the Brumby Government in Victoria adopted the Safe Schools Coalition (SSC) program, which was based on La Trobe Universities Gay and Lesbian Health Victoria model. In 2013 the Rudd/Gillard Government provided $8 million dollars to assist the national rollout of the Victorian SSC program.

Despite the Howard Government’s best intentions, the actions of Gillard/Rudd/Brumby made it impossible to protect children in public schools. Here are nine reasons why the Turnbull Government today is facing a similar challenge:

1. Education is a complex business.

Federal and State legislation makes it difficult to understand who influences public policy and accountability in schools. For example, the Gay, Lesbian and Transgender Act 2003 – the Legislation Act 2001 impacts the Safe Schools Coalition program by way of definitions and omission of definitions. For example, an individual can select gender identity for any given life situation.

2. State legislation undermines the Federal governments intentions.

State Governments have responsibility for public schools. The Federal Government provides additional funding but they do not register operate or oversee public schools. A national initiative, as intended by the Howard Government was an equalizer across all schools. The Victorian Government is imposing the SSC program on its public schools.

3. Sexual preference is given priority over literacy.

There are 1524 public schools in Victoria, only 207 of those schools are members of the Safe Schools Coalition. The Victorian Government has mandated every secondary public school to follow the Safe Schools Coalition program by 2018; making gender and sexual preference a priority over literacy, numeracy, wellbeing and other content areas of the Australian Curriculum.

4. Teacher courses only qualify individuals as generalist teachers.

Whilst the Victorian Government has chosen to mandate teacher training of the Safe Schools Coalition program, there is no mandated training for literacy, numeracy, counselling or psychology across all pre-service courses. At the completion of pre-service teacher training graduates have a qualification either as a generalist teacher or a content specific teacher. There are no subjects that qualify pre-service teachers to be psychologists or therapists. This puts teachers at risk when dealing with complex issues, such as abuse or bullying, that are beyond their vocational capacity and responsibility

5. There is personal conflict between parent, teacher and principal.

If principals and teachers do not agree with the Safe Schools Coalition program their professional judgement is compromised by its mandate. Even worse, if principals and teachers are also parents, they have no way of protecting their own children from the mandate. Their hands are tied.

6. Parents relinquish their child once they are inside the school grounds.

According to state legislation, public school employees have the power to deny any parent access to their own child once their child is inside the school gate. Schools have the power to issue trespass notices and intervention orders.

In 2010 an inner Melbourne public school issued trespass warning notices and interim intervention orders against parents who were seeking clarification of changes made to their children’s school curriculum. Parents could face the same problem if taking a stand against the Safe School Coalition program.

7. Parents can be held liable.

If a parent attempts to prevent their child from participating in the mandated Safe Schools Coalition program, they are held financially liable for defending legal action that the school or the Department of Education may take. The school is protected financially by the Department of Education.

8. The program does not protect the safety of all children.

The term Safe Schools implies a positive environment for all students. However, the Safe Schools Coalition program only provides training resources and advice about homophobic and transphobic bullying. The reality is that bullying is not limited to gender or sexual preference and in every school the bullied and the bully come in all shapes, sizes, ethnicities, intellects and level of ability.

9. Building a positive culture takes time.

The delivery of a program takes place within a given time frame. The creation of a culture of respect, patience, awareness, responsibility, equity, compassion and friendship are achieved over time through interaction, mistakes and achievements.

In 2003 the Federal Government had a vision for Australia. It’s now 2016 and the Victorian Government has another. It has funded, co-created and now mandated the Safe Schools Coalition program. If the Victorian Government is successful in implementing this mandate, all other states could follow. Allowing this to happen is allowing State Government ownership and control over your child. There is nothing safe about that.

What’s next

If the Safe Schools Coalition program is allowed to proceed in Victoria and other states follow, every public school in the Nation will be placing the Safe Schools Coalition program ahead of literacy, numeracy, wellbeing and equity. Independent and denominational schools are not at risk of the same possibility. Here are five actions you can take:

  1. Speak to your child’s school principal to learn whether they have joined the Safe Schools Coalition and voice your views. Find out about your child’s school policies, school council viewpoints and call for a community meeting to discuss the implications of the Safe Schools Coalition
  2. Speak to your children about what being safe and equity means.
  3. Speak to your State and Federal members of parliament and voice your views.
  4. Begin a respectful dialogue with family, friends and colleagues to find out the views of others.
  5. Do some research. Begin with the Gay, Lesbian and Transgender Act 2003.

Cheryl Lacey is an educationist and agitator of change in Australian Education.

www.cheryllacey.com cheryl@cheryllacey.com

© Cheryl Lacey 2016, All rights reserved

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