Schools face problems. The view that money – or more of it – is the universal solution creates a lot of confusion. The Gonski school funding model hasn’t disappointed in that regard. It has become less about an appreciation of Federal investment, and more about highlighting the various inequities between the ‘haves and have-nots’, in school sectors, and in States and Territories. The model is confusing, divisive, and highly politicised, and appears to have little chance, if any, of delivering on its original promise.
The reality is that many principals, school board members, teachers, and parents don’t really know how the model works. Most schools tend to allocate government funds to consolidated revenue. In such cases, therefore, despite a formula designed to combat disadvantage, the Gonski model does not necessarily bring direct benefits to the children it targets.
Effective school leaders seek wiser ways to invest the funding they receive. They maintain a focus on their core business – that is, learning across the whole community.
Further, these leaders identify areas where funds have already been well spent, and find ways to replicate that success, placing themselves in an even stronger position to increase their schools’ performance. This strategy also reduces what some might even regard as ‘acceptable’ waste.
As an effective leader, you can maximise the value of Government funding. Here are five positive actions you can take:
- View your NAPLAN results differently
Despite what you might think, NAPLAN is a powerful resource for school-wide improvement. Consider a school that has been below the national average for five consecutive years. Every year the group of students is the variable, but it is likely that the group of teachers, and the instructional leadership team or coach remain the ‘constants’. Year 3 NAPLAN results do not reflect five months of schooling; they reflect three and a half years of teaching and learning. You can use your NAPLAN results to gain a better understanding of the performance and professional investment required of your team of early years teachers. Apply the same principle to the results for Years 5, 7 and 9.
2. Place your strategic focus on your whole organisation
A school’s core business is learning. Strategic planning and subsequent actions tend to focus on the clients – that is, on student performance. This approach overlooks several areas of potential improvement. Learning opportunities should encompass all staff members and stakeholders. With a view to improvement, audit your existing strategies, including systems, processes, resources and personnel. Develop a more effective and efficient financial review. Then you can be more confident that funding, regardless of the amount, will be spent in the best possible way.
3. Invest in family support and allied services
According to the Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA), a child’s family background – including parents’ occupations and level of schooling – has an influence on educational outcomes. If parents have a low Index of Community Socio- Educational Advantage (ICSEA) the implication is that their children will have a reduced capacity to perform well at school. In other words, ICSEA has nothing to do with your school facilities, staff, or teaching programs. This understanding paves the way for increased discretion, in terms of where your funding is spent. A greater investment in allied services is one way to target family background criteria more effectively. It also reduces the pressure on teachers to deliver services beyond their qualifications.
4. Close the gaps in your community
The wisdom of crowds is powerful, especially when your parent community boasts a range of vocational strengths. Rather than relying on one-way communications, such as newsletters or union brochures, consider providing opportunities for valuable interaction, including panel discussions, Q&A evenings, and webinars. Parents see education through a very different set of lenses, and it’s important to welcome their input, as an advantage rather than a threat. Closing the gap for students involves closing the gap between their teachers and parents.
5. Turn vague intention into successful reality
Funding is like any program. It isn’t personalised and it doesn’t deliver itself. People do that. Great schools have brilliant leaders who are outcome driven, and whose focus is on generating porous boundaries – where funding and staff performance are effectively integrated. To personalise the goodwill of funding – regardless of its monetary value – successful educational leaders personalise staff development, targeting real needs and setting measurable objectives.
Effective leaders do not take the view that money – or more of it – is the answer. Have confidence in your capabilities, and celebrate two things: your successes, and the failures that bring about considered change. Never be afraid to abandon plans that don’t deliver, even if you have invested time and resources in them. Invest wisely in your staff and your community, and you will have high-performance people, working to shape a high-performance school.
Cheryl Lacey is principal of Cheryl Lacey Consulting, a firm focused on elevating educational outcomes by putting the right professionals at the centre of the right improvement and performance strategies.
To learn more contact Cheryl at