Leadership, Parenting, Uncategorized

Communicate and Innovate

Most parents and school leaders have the same desire: to ensure children’s needs are matched with the best possible teaching.

Victorians are in yet another lockdown. School education has been disrupted once again for more than 1 million children.

Stress, a decline in mental health, disengagement and underperformance will follow.

We do not have to accept this situation.

Every school has a council or board responsible for establishing the broad direction and vision of its school.

If current decisions compromise students and families, teaching and learning, then the need for change is paramount. And now!

A little more than 2,260 schools are in Victoria. That means there are 2,260 autonomous decision-making bodies with the authority to do things differently. They can ease the pain.

Here are a few examples of how school councils can adapt, to cope with lockdown:

  1. Adjust term breaks. Lockdown days become holidays for the entire school community
  2. Stagger annual leave. Students have school holidays. Teachers choose between professional learning or annual leave
  3. Introduce shift work. Schools operate 7 days per week, from 8am to 8pm
  4. Expand remedial work. All teachers work onsite, to teach students who are below expected levels in English and Mathematics. Students at or above appropriate levels in these subjects work independently on self-directed choices
  5. Offer optional pre-recorded lessons – e.g. on Zoom.

Teaching and learning are not restricted to ‘school hours’ (9.00am – 3.30pm). No school council should expect families to adjust their lives to suit this current inflexible schedule. Families have the right to say, ‘This is not working for us’.

If you, or people you love, are trying to juggle home-school-work-family life, you can begin the movement for change.

Here are three things you can do right now:

  1. Write to your school council president. Request an extra-ordinary online meeting for a community forum. Capture innovative ideas for managing lockdown.
  • Email me. Let me help you navigate a way forward.
  • Share this newsletter.

Let me make this very clear: your voice and your right to seek change are not limited to lockdown conditions.

Hours of school operation are currently inflexible. Now is the time for radical and necessary change.

Your family life is your business. Don’t allow anyone to tell you otherwise.

Copyright © 2021 Cheryl Lacey All rights reserved.

Parent, enlightened educationalist, author, speaker.

I help principals and educational leaders align achieving desired outcomes with a healthy worklife blend.

For more information visit www.cheryllacey.com

Click here to learn how we can work together or contact me at cheryl@cheryllacey.com.

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