What would you do with a redeemable voucher of, let’s say, $11,000 per year, to be used for your child’s education? Would you stay with the school your child currently attends? Or would you ‘shop around’ to find a more suitable fit for you and your child? Would you spend more than the value of the voucher, from your own budget, in the belief that more money means greater opportunity for your child?
Whatever your choice, you would think more carefully about where and how that money was spent. You’d monitor everything more closely: what your child was being taught; the teaching staff; the extra-curricular opportunities; and other investments made by the school. You’d want to be sure your investment was being spent wisely. Above all, you would advocate for your child. Wouldn’t you?
Above all, you would advocate for your child. Wouldn’t you?
Well, here’s the good news. You are given a lump sum toward your child’s education every year, and it’s called school funding. It bypasses you and is paid, by the taxpayer, directly to the school of your choosing.
If you have done the right thing by your child, and you’ve chosen to live in a regional area, or you’ve chosen to live on a low income, or you are an immigrant, indigenous or bi-lingual family then you’re in for a bonus. That’s right, extra money will be paid directly to the school, because of your life choices and because those choices directly affect your child’s performance at school.
However, if you have failed your child, and you have worked hard and studied hard, you are well educated, well paid, and speak fluent English, and have chosen to live in the CBD or outer lying suburbs, then your life choices create a disadvantage for your child. There is no bonus attached to any of your choices.
What would you do with a redeemable voucher of, let’s say $11,000 per year, to be used for your child’s education?
Regardless of where you were born, where you live, how much you earn, or what language you speak, if your child is gifted, passionate about learning or, on the other hand, has been failed by poor school performance, then… bad luck. There’s little you can do but accept your place at the back of the queue. There’s no more money for you.
What would you do with a redeemable voucher of, let’s say $11,000 per year, to be used for your child’s education? Wouldn’t you demand value for money, greater choice, and a louder voice for you and your child? Chances are there’d be competition for your investment, and chances are the value, choice and voice you demand might not come only in the form of schooling as we know it. Wouldn’t that be a bonus?
Copyright © 2018 Cheryl Lacey All rights reserved.
Parent, educationist and advocate of agitating change in Australian education. By raising the bar we can face any global challenges facing Australia and Australians.
Contact me at cheryl@cheryllacey.com to learn how we can work together.