Politicians serve the community. They represent people they don’t usually know personally – faceless, nameless citizens and families – with their hopes and dreams.
Public school leaders also serve the community. However, for them, it isn’t a community of the faceless and the nameless. These leaders usually know these people and their families – with their hopes and dreams.
Like politicians, public school leaders have power and influence. However, they must not be swayed by policies and the trends in the political landscape. They must remain impartial. Their role is to represent the hopes and dreams of the families they serve.
Increasingly, public school leaders throughout the world are becoming political advocates. They often breathe life into extremely dangerous social policy – whether deliberately or unwittingly. Some have even become part of the worldwide movement towards the demise of nurturing and the death of parenting.
“I think it is very important that we educate the children the best we can…about gender, about gender stereotypes. It is never too young to start.”
This statement was made by a school leader in the United Kingdom. An experiment, approved by the school leader, involved schoolchildren being ‘gender-neutral’ for a whole term. The purpose was to determine whether being gender-neutral could even out any disparities in children’s confidence and abilities.
In Sweden, schools have introduced gender advisors. This move supports the nation’s view that if something is institutionalised – in a school for example – it will automatically bring about change in society.
Scotland is introducing gender-neutral schools. The justification: to reduce bullying.
Public schools in Australia have provided teachers with workbooks containing descriptions of cancer as a consequence of sin, and a gift from God, and content stating people should ‘die for their faith if necessary’.
Middle schools in the USA have students write the shahada, the Islamic declaration of faith, as part of their calligraphy practice. These same schools, however, fail to inform students that Islam does not maintain the separation between the political and religious spheres, as Christianity does.
Do these issues sound similar to, or replicate, what’s happening in your local school? How well do you know your local school leader?
Public school leaders have power and influence – and rightly so. The important question is this: does their power nurture the hopes and dreams of the families they serve, or further their own political agenda?
Copyright © 2018 Cheryl Lacey All rights reserved.
Parent, educationist and advocate of agitating change in Australian education. By raising the bar we can face any global challenges facing Australia and Australians.
Contact me at cheryl@cheryllacey.com to learn how we can work together
If you’re looking for a thought provoking presenter or speaker for your next professional learning day or event, reach out.
cheryl@cheryllacey.com or +61 419 518 811