The morning my eldest daughter started school, I did two things. I greeted her teacher with warmth and respect. Then I burst into tears.
The scene was familiar. I’d been in many like it, since I was in my 20s. But this time my role was different. Then, I was the teacher, and childless. Now, I was the parent, and handing over my 5-year-old daughter, whom I had adopted from Thailand just 18 months earlier. It was awfully distressing. First, because my daughter was reluctant to let go of me. Second, because I knew I could no longer protect her. Third, because the concept of parents putting blind faith in teachers, which I had previously experienced as a professional, was now a personal and grave reality for me as a mother.
From the moment we become parents, the full responsibility of raising our children rests squarely on our shoulders. Parenting is no easy task; neither is the task of navigating the many services that help us raise our children. Whatever your personal circumstances, though, you have a voice. You can choose your general practitioner, your private health care provider, your specialist, and infant health service. You decide on your playgroup, your babysitter, and childcare service. Navigating and selecting services becomes a major part of your responsibility as a parent. You are the decision maker.
But then, one day, our children commence compulsory schooling. We hand them over to individuals we know very little about. And the older our children get, the less likely we are to know about the various teachers they have.
But it hasn’t always been this way.
Long before schools were established, wealthy parents sought tutors to build knowledge, positive judgement and wisdom in their children. Confucius (551 BC – 479 BC), regarded as the world’s first private tutor, was a master at this, and developed trusting relationships – first with parents and then with his students. An invitation to tutor a child was an invitation to nurture ethical citizenship in the next generation. It was considered a great honour.
For centuries, parents have carefully chosen highly regarded individuals – including people of faith, philosophers, and the well-educated – to contribute to the education of their children. Today, although some parents still invest in subject-specific tutors, compulsory schooling has replaced the parent as the direct employer, and the teacher has replaced the carefully chosen tutor.
How well do you know the individuals who teach your children?
Copyright © 2018 Cheryl Lacey All rights reserved.
Parent, educationist and advocate of agitating change in Australian education. By raising the bar we can face any global challenges facing Australia and Australians.
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