‘Take’ a taxi. ‘Hop’ on a tram. ‘Catch’ a flight. ‘Jump’ on the train. Our words and our actions aren’t always in sync.
The same can be said for strategy compared with strategic execution.
The following statement is taken from a school’s 2018-2021 (4 year) strategic plan.
By the end of the strategic plan, 95% of children will have achieved the equivalent of one level of growth in English and Mathematics in a calendar year as measured by teacher judgement and evidenced growth in life skills.
What is the school’s goal?
That 95% of ‘students’ progress one level in ‘a calendar year’.
Is that every year, or just one year out of the four?
Is this an implied measure of success for student and teacher? The language of the statement leaves this, and other, questions unanswered.
When words and actions aren’t in sync, we can expect disappointment.
In this school’s case, it might not be a bad thing.
Need a Rational Strategy for Sensible Execution
I’ll work with you to customise your strategic pathway and communication platform to achieve the results you know your organisation is capable of.
Visit www.cheryllacey.com or Contact me at cheryl@cheryllacey.com