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Pedagogy to Puppetry: Who’s Pulling the Strings?

In professional circles, teaching is often better known as pedagogy. A simple definition of pedagogy is ‘the art and science of teaching’.

All teachers have their own unique pedagogy or ‘professional DNA’. In other words, every teacher has an individual and unique approach to delivering the curriculum – that is, what is intended to be taught and learned.

Pedagogy is influenced by many factors, not the least of which are the latest research and the current trends in education. And, looking closely at its definition – as both ‘art and science’ – it’s easy to appreciate the influence teachers can have on their students.

Art…has emotional power.

Art is considered to be the expression or application of creative skill and imagination, which has emotional power. Think for a moment what it takes to engage, and hold, the attention of 24 restless five-year-olds, or 22 hormonal 14-year-olds. Teachers use their skill and imagination every day to maintain a functional level of work in their classrooms.

Science involves the study and observation of the physical and natural world, and experimentation in behaviours. Teachers constantly make judgements about student behaviours, achievements and needs. They continually make decisions about how they will change their teaching – or experiment with various methods – to make sure students’ experience the desired outcomes within the curriculum.

Teachers constantly make judgements about student behaviours…

Having the freedom to do these things gives teachers power and gives them choice. In a profession that has become increasingly bureaucratic, how can this freedom be encouraged, welcomed, and valued?

The truth is, it cannot. Pedagogy, as we know it, is sliding rapidly towards extinction. The art and science of teaching are being replaced by formulae to be endlessly replicated.

Teachers no longer prepare to offer a unique experience and way of being. Instead they are expected to operate out of a ‘common language’ and a ‘common understanding’, which ensures their 4.5 hour teaching day looks identical to that of every other teacher at the same year level or school.

Will the future see teaching as simply a craft – and teachers as puppets?

The erosion of talent and expertise is increasing with the use of what is known as ‘direct teaching’.

Direct teaching is the strict patterning of teacher behaviour, through the provision of lessons that are written as scripts for teachers to follow, word for word, with little or no room for dialogue between teacher and students. Lessons can be prescribed to a point where students’ questions are predicted, and the teachers’ predetermined answers also provided. In other words, there is little need for teachers to think. Direct teaching is an attempt to place quality controls on the delivery of the curriculum, on teaching, and on learning.

Direct teaching is a valuable commodity for bureaucracies.

No-one would dispute the need to include the fundamental foundation skills that must be taught – particularly in literacy, numeracy and classroom behaviour. They are critical. There is a very strong argument, however, for the boycotting of direct teaching that takes away from teachers their creativity, their intellect and their potential to be themselves.

Consider the implications of a system where education is controlled by teachings from a textbook that offers no opportunity for critical thinking, dialogue or rebuttal.

Direct teaching is a valuable commodity for bureaucracies. It effectively erodes the professionalism of teaching. It allows greater opportunity to pull the educational strings. It replaces ‘personalised teaching’ with mere ‘puppetry’.

Consider the implications if we fail to understand this, and fail to see what’s really going on in our nation’s schools.

Copyright © 2018 Cheryl Lacey All rights reserved.

Parent, educationist and advocate of agitating change in Australian education. By raising the bar we can face any global challenges facing Australia and Australians.

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