There are 6.3 million people in Victoria. 3.5 million are employed full time. Of this figure, 45,500 are teachers, employed in just over 1,500 State schools.
The operating hours of the businesses and services that employ these 3.5 million employees are varied.
Retail stores no longer operate on a 9.00am to 5.30pm schedule. Saturday morning trade has expanded to weekend trade, including all day Saturday and Sunday. Public holidays no longer apply to everyone. Fast food chains and other services, including hotlines and helplines, are open 24/7.
There is never a day or a time when every business and every service is closed.
There is no day that every employee across the State takes off; neither is there a time when everyone leaves work.
Schools, on the other hand, are closed for 12 weeks of the year.
Our most valuable assets – State schools – are places of employment for less than 2% of Victoria’s full time workers, yet the lives of Victorian families must be organised around this 2% employment model.
Mirror this situation in every Australian State and Territory, and what do we have? A nation that marches to the beat of a compliant minority workforce.
Copyright © 2019 Cheryl Lacey All rights reserved.
Parent, educationist, author, speaker.
Agitating advocate for change in Australian education. By raising the bar we can challenge and overcome any global challenges facing Australia and Australians.
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