Every school year, you put in place your well thought out plans and strategies, aiming for the best possible outcomes for the staff, students and families in your school community.
And every year, the realities of an overcrowded curriculum, varying staff capabilities, parent demands, and government priorities nudge you and your staff away from your primary responsibility: to educate students effectively.
Schools that employ the deliberate practice of autonomy, place teaching accountability as their number one priority. The result is increased job satisfaction, heightened teaching performance, accelerated student outcomes and thriving home-school relationships.
In this workshop, we’ll examine autonomy, teaching accountability and the elements that derail their value.
Most importantly, we’ll be exploring a framework specifically designed to boost autonomy and reduce distractions from teaching without compromising government directives.
Your role is in the spotlight, and this workshop will provide insights into how you can address and improve teaching accountability, lead your school to achieve your desired goals and enjoy a healthy home-life blend.
Book Now
Melbourne: Monday 21st June
Launceston: Thursday 24th June
Hobart: Monday 28th June
Melbourne: Friday 16th July
Geelong: Monday 19th July