Growth Strategy

Dial 73 For SD: Self-Discipline

The latest government intervention in Victoria – the banning of mobile phones in schools – has raised widespread debate. Some applaud the move; others disapprove. Despite the various positions people might take, there is one key element their arguments have in common: the talk focuses on phones, and therefore thedebate is limited and shallow.

You might say, naturally enough, that phones are the issue. Those who accept the literal are correct; those who think more broadly and critically know otherwise.

The banning of mobile phones is less about the devices themselves, and more about self-discipline.

Discipline: ‘six of the best’:

1.    Parental Discipline

Mobile phones and their use are the responsibility of the account holder. In the case of students – who are also children – this means the parents, who have given consent for their children to have and use mobile phones. Parents must be disciplined, to seek, endorse and demand monitoring of phone use in schools, just as they do, or should do, at home and in social settings.

2.    Behavioural Discipline

Cyber bullying has been cited as a major reason for the ban on phones. Computers, iPads and watches, however, will not be banned. Schools determine the value and purpose of technology used in school and its use for educational purposes outside school. Parents, school leaders and teachers must be disciplined, to seek, endorse and demand limited use of any devices that can be used for bullying purposes – not just mobile phones.

3.    Professional Discipline

Just as learning requires discipline, so does teaching. Teachers must be disciplined, to create an environment that has minimal distractions from teaching and learning. Classrooms that lack discipline, due to mobile phone use, are classrooms that accept distractions in any form. Teacher professionalism requires discipline.

4.    Investigative Discipline

The reporting of accurate, detailed and informed news requires discipline. The mass regurgitation of media releases with minimal adaptation is not reporting. Taking advantage of the instant access that mobile phones allow them, reporters might offer ‘breaking news’, but this is not investigative journalism. Readers have every right to expect and receive news from dedicated investigative journalists, just as journalists have every right to be offered such assignments. What really lies behind the sudden and urgent ban on mobile phone use in schools is yet to be reported.

5.     Philosophical Discipline

In 2008, the Digital Education Revolution was introduced in Australian schools. It included the introduction of one device for every student, initially paid for by the federal government. The cost was then transferred to parents. Schools stupidly embraced this technology en masse, with scant regard for philosophical values. The impact of technology on society is now being realised. To remain true to educational philosophy requires discipline and a willingness to avoid acting in response to naïve popular opinion.

6.    Political Discipline

Education affects every portfolio and every portfolio is affected by education. For many years, the use of mobile phones specifically, and technology more broadly, has had a profound impact on the lives of children, students and families. This sudden ban on mobile phones is indicative that politicians do not fully comprehend this. That schools continue to fail in accord and prevention and rely instead on intervention, as a last resort, is merely evidence of ongoing political inertia and the absence of political discipline.

Finally, to add to the confusion: The Age reported that the ban would apply to Victorian state schoolsThe Guardian declared it a ban in public schools. The Minister himself says he can’t ban mobile phones in the non-government sector – that is, Catholic and Independent schools. Until 2005, Victoria’s Education Act (1958) referred to state schools. Its replacement, The Education and Training Reform Act (2006), refers to government schools.

Where exactly, then, will this mobile phone ban be imposed, and who has the authority and discipline to enforce it?

Copyright © 2019 Cheryl Lacey All rights reserved.

Parent, educationist and agitating advocate for change in Australian education.

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