The concept of quality is a fascinating one. Although many inequalities have been rectified over time – and rightly so – the truth is, absolute equality will never be possible. It might even be true to say that the more strenuously people seek equality, the more divided society becomes.
Earlier this year Australian Senator Larissa Waters stepped on to the world stage by breastfeeding while in Parliament. Women’s rights advocates were ecstatic. But why? The Senator merely proved that, for some women, status affords them rights that others do not have. In this instance, she effectively spat on the sisterhood of all women – particularly those in the public service.
Had the Senator been advocating for Family Violence Laws to include an age limit at which women can breastfeed, her actions might have been more widely accepted.
Currently, there are approximately 320,000 full-time female teachers in Australia. Have you ever seen a female teacher breastfeed while teaching a class or performing other responsibilities such as yard duty?
As you enter Australia after an international flight, have you ever encountered a female customs officer breastfeeding as she examines your luggage?
Have you ever encountered a female police officer breastfeeding on traffic duty, or while operating a booze bus?
Equality is the state of being equal – especially in status, rights and opportunities.
A particular time and set of circumstances made it possible for the Senator to breastfeed –something that is not possible for all women to do in conditions under which they work. She was able to breastfeed because of status and parliamentary privilege. Quite simply, she did it because she could.
The majority of Australian women live according to their standards of morality, justice and honourable conduct. Could it be said that the women’s rights agenda, purporting to stand up for all women, is merely a tactic to disguise the real and genuine issue: the pursuit of power by hypocritical, elitist, self-serving individuals? If so, it undermines the right of women to be themselves – reasonable and self-determining.
This might be the start of a confronting, but necessary national outcry on the distinction between equality for self and quality for all. For the sake of real women – let’s hope so.
copyright © Cheryl Lacey 2017
Cheryl Lacey is an educationist and advocate of agitating change in Australian education to face global challenges facing Australia and Australians.