Three steps forward, two steps back.
Do not be fooled by the easing of restrictions. What is needed right now is vigilance.
To notice the language is to take three steps forward. Not understanding its message is the first step back. Not having agreement is the second.
Lockdown has the potential to be an invaluable lesson. In a matter of months, it will be history.
Does history matter? If it does, do we have the facts? What have we learned? What do we need to understand? How will this history determine the ‘new normal’?
Will it be freedom or communism? And if communism appears too harsh a word, think socialism; after all, the only real difference between the two is a gun.
Schools are central to the ‘new normal’. They are the ideal launching pad from which to fire the most powerful missile – division and eradication of family.
Tucked creatively within the Statement from the Premier of Victoria – Australia (24 May 2020), are two key phrases. Notice the language, and understand its meaning:
Phrase 1: ‘… and in line with the return to face-to-face learning in school’.
Why is the word ‘teaching’ omitted? What is the ‘new normal’ for schools?
Phrase 2: ‘Staggering start times means our kids start learning face-to-face’.
Why is the word ‘kids’ used and not children or students?
These phrases might mean little, taken in isolation. Now add social distancing measures, commencing 26 May, which prevents parents from entering the school grounds. How can you advocate for your children if you are discouraged from entering the school grounds?
‘Child’ and ‘student’ are not synonymous. Families are responsible for raising children. The State is responsible for the provision of schools and teaching. What does the government really have in mind for our ‘kids’?
Take three steps forward by entering the school grounds and take no steps back until agreement has been reached.
Here’s my email if you’d like to reach out.
Copyright © 2020 Cheryl Lacey All rights reserved.
Parent, educationist and agitating advocate for change in Australian education.
By raising the bar we can challenge and overcome any global challenges facing Australia and Australians.