
To Be Fair

Sharing a point of view is easy. All that’s required is an opinion, a voice and a platform. It’s a cheap way of talking. Robust debate, on the other hand, requires making a genuine investment in what you stand for.…

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2019 – Celebration Of A Nation

Celebrations to welcome a New Year filled with promise, possibility, optimism and change are just hours away. For Australians, the celebrations have even greater significance. The first day of January is the anniversary of the greatest document ever negotiated in…

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The Principal Act

Researchers consistently agree that teachers are far more likely to have a large and positive impact if they: 1.    Know what needs be taught 2.    Teach  3.    Monitor what has been learned 4.    Adapt their teaching as necessary  In other words, if teachers competently…

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Political Correctness – Honestly?

Some say political correctness is a movement for the insecure. Many claim it’s a cancer that has penetrated our schools and compromised our children’s future. At best, political correctness (PC) is dishonest.  Some points to consider: Independent and Catholic schools…

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