Growth Strategy

Moving Forward with Fundamentals

John Wooden, the great UCLA basketball coach, is known for two things: winning seven consecutive NCAA championships between 1967 and 1973, and being one of the greatest inspirational leaders basketball has ever produced. The first lesson he taught his players…

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To Guarantee Continued Freedom

When we form views and beliefs we are usually influenced by facts and opinions. All too often, our views are also shaped by emotive immediacy and we make choices with little regard for the potential consequences. A recent vacation to…

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Growth Strategy

A Sprinkle Of Difference

My Christmas tree is like no other in the world – it’s authentic. I’ve collected ornaments from places like Santa’s Workshop on the Arctic Circle, Times Square New York, Kathmandu and hundreds of other places I’ve had the good fortune…

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Growth Strategy

To be of Service

The joy of festive gatherings is meeting interesting people. I recently met a first responder – a fireman. We spent time comparing workplace experiences and were intrigued by a particular professional element we had in common – the bell. …the…

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Growth Strategy

Hold Back the Creep

What would you do if you heard schools were taking children from their parents? It sounds like an outrageous question, doesn’t it? Nevertheless, it’s one I would like you to take seriously. Every day decisions are made in schools and…

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Growth Strategy

Propaganda, Infiltration, Legislation: Why unions should stay out of the classroom.

‘America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within’                                                                                       – Joseph Stalin So what does a Russian leader’s observation…

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Current Affairs

Remaining Abreast of Equality

The concept of quality is a fascinating one. Although many inequalities have been rectified over time – and rightly so – the truth is, absolute equality will never be possible. It might even be true to say that the more strenuously people seek equality, the more divided society becomes.  Earlier this year Australian Senator Larissa Waters stepped on to the world stage by breastfeeding while in Parliament. Women’s rights…

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