Parenting, School Choice

Parents hold power with a pen

Parents and families continue to be hamstrung by inefficiencies and lack of accountability in Australian schools. Despite billions of dollars of annual spending, on everything from buildings, curriculum reviews and research to teacher wellbeing programs, additional tutors and computers, the…

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Current Affairs

The Green Thing

Source Unknown Checking out at the store, the young cashier suggested to the much older lady that she should bring her own grocery bags, because plastic bags are not good for the environment. The woman apologized to the young girl…

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Growth Strategy, Workshops


WORKSHOP OVERVIEW Every school year, you put in place your well thought out plans and strategies, aiming for the best possible outcomes for the staff, students and families in your school community.  And every year, the realities of an overcrowded…

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Current Affairs

I am, you are, we are…?

Like him or not, President Trump has not wavered from his commitment: America First. His determination to build a wall to keep illegal aliens out was scorned by many. Today, COVID-19 has people around the world living behind designated walls –…

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