Growth Strategy

Propaganda, Infiltration, Legislation: Why unions should stay out of the classroom.

America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within

                                                                                      – Joseph Stalin

So what does a Russian leader’s observation on the U.S. have to do with Australia? Everything!

Our young nation, once full of promise, is collapsing under the weight of public naivety, cleverly disguised as fairness and equality. And it’s happening, courtesy of Victoria – the Machiavellian State that claims to be the Education State – and its preferred place of national infiltration, the classroom.

Although the unions and the Labor Party of today aren’t what they were twenty, fifty or one hundred years ago, it is accurate to say that Socialists, Trade Unions and the Fabian Society can be credited for the creation of the Labor Party. The questions to ask are these: Just who is who in the Labor Party? How many factions exist right now? How much power does the union wield?

Some might say our classrooms have become breeding places for factional unrest under the guise of union care and concern? Three more questions come to mind: What do teachers really know and understand about those who purport to represent teachers’ best interests? Is the infiltration of the classroom, by unions, a deliberate tactic to further their cause: the creation of a national working class? Do our politicians understand that the unions are the masters and they, the politicians, are the servants?

Five reasons why unions are a blight on Australian classrooms.

1.Biased Political Alliance

As co-creators of the Labor movement, the unions have strategically infiltrated the nation’s workplaces – including the classrooms. During the late 1970s, for example, the Australian Council of Salaried and Professional Associations (ACSPA) and the Council of Australian Government Employee Associations (CAGEO) – the representatives of non-manual workers including banking, insurance, teaching, local government and nursing – merged with the Australian Council of Trade Unions. Can a body genuinely represent workers and align itself with a political party at the same time? Is this a clear and direct conflict of interest?

2. Strategic Cultural Control

It is understood that unions provide a formal mechanism for collective representation. But what does collective representation mean?

  • In 1848 the Anti-transportation League was established to lobby against penal transportation to Australia
  • In 1879 the Inter-Colonial Trade Union Congress (ICTUC) – the forerunner to the ACTU – opposed Chinese immigration
  • In 1898 the ICTUC extended its immigration restrictions – from the Chinese to all non-European peoples.

Today, unions love to include the non-English in their collective representation. Using the classroom as a vehicle for access, they campaign for funding using a model that provides loadings for children of non-English speaking backgrounds.

3. Strategic Social Control

In 1993 the Australian Teachers Union (ATU) became the Australian Education Union (AEU). By its own admission, the Union has a global agenda and has strategically merged its various divisions to this end. Not surprisingly, also in 1993, the ACTU began to act on its policy to turn its 300+ unions into 20 or fewer ‘super unions’, bringing anyone connected with ‘education’ under the membership umbrella.

Even more questions:

Have the unions had a hand in the promotion of terms used in classrooms such as, ‘life-long learning’ so that super unions have broader reach and control? Does the existence of super unions mean the term ‘Education State’ can be used to establish a union-controlled ‘Education Nation?’ Is it possible that Building the Education Revolution (BER) and Digital Education Revolution (DER) – bribery in classrooms – were tactical steps in that direction?

4. Strategic International Alliance

In that same pivotal year of 1993, Education International (EI) – a global education union – was also formed.

Some of its principal aims are:

  • to promote unity among all independent and democratic trade unions within the educational sector, and united action and cooperation with independent trade unions in other sectors;
  • and thereby contribute to the further development of the international trade union movement.

What does unity really mean? Are we keeping abreast of State and Federal legislation? Is it possible that terms including, ‘21st Century Skills’, ‘Anywhere Anytime Learning’, ‘Global Education’ and ‘Global Citizenship’, are subtly promoting the idea our children become employees of a worldwide trade union working class network, while they are still in the classroom? 

5. Strategic Gender Politics

The union acknowledges its alliance to various causes. One of them is the Women’s Rights at Work campaign, which aims for social change to achieve gender equity. However, gender equity is the process of achieving fairness for women and men and the union does not support a campaign for Men’s Rights at Work.

The union also supports the Safe Schools Program and the Safe Schools Coalition, an initiative established under the previous Labor government. Disguised as an anti-bullying program, it could be said the Safe Schools Program is really a vehicle for cry-bullies to gain collective classroom representation on a national scale via gender-based propaganda.

While the Victorian State government works diligently to infiltrate classrooms, the Federal opposition, currently led by a professional unionist, might be deceptively doing the same, with its brand, ‘Your Child, Our Future.’ Its stated objective is, ‘more individual attention for students, better trained teachers, (for) every school, every child. Government, Independent or Catholic.’ Is this the propaganda of diligent socialists, edging towards national accumulated growth and one global government? How? With a slow creep toward ownership of State schools, now owned by the people, and of Independent schools, now owned by the church or other independent establishments.

Classrooms are places of learning and teaching. They also occupy very valuable parcels of land across the country. It’s often said that the way to control people is to control land. Is this more cunning and duplicity from the union? Is it really aiming for control via the nation’s classrooms?

Copyright © 2017 Cheryl Lacey All rights reserved.

Parent, educationist and advocate of agitating change in Australian education. By raising the bar we can face any global challenges facing Australia and Australians.

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