
Is teaching really a profession?

The word ‘teacher’ can be traced back to the Greek term deiknumi, which means ‘to point out’ or ‘to show’. Great philosophers, including Aristotle, Socrates, Confucius and, more recently, Rudolf Steiner, were educators and private tutors of the highest order. Their…

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Faith in Morality

Public schools in Australia are widely referred to as offering a secular education, which, by definition, should not have a connection with religious or spiritual matters. However, the singing of Christmas Carols and a strong emphasis on indigenous studies –…

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You Oughta Be Congratulated!

What would you do with a redeemable voucher of, let’s say, $11,000 per year, to be used for your child’s education? Would you stay with the school your child currently attends? Or would you ‘shop around’ to find a more…

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